Breimh’s Anime Review – Science Ninja Team Gatchaman

A classic anime, and the first of it’s kind to try to emulate the American Superhero genre, this series has stood the test of time since 1972! Gatchaman centers around five young people employed by Kōzaburō Nambu of the fictitious International Science Organization to oppose an international terrorist organization of technologically advanced villains known as Galactor who are trying to control Earth’s natural resources. The leader of this evil society is an androgynous, masked antagonist named Berg Kattse acting on the orders of an alien superior called Sosai X.
Originally published by: Tatsunoko Productions
This is the series that first got me interested in the anime style and genre, when I watched it many years ago as a child, aired on American television as Battle of the Planets. It has since been re-released under the titles of G-Force: Guardians of Space, Eagle Riders and Battle of the Planets: Phoenix Ninjas. The environmental saving messages that are conveyed through the story line, the sleek lines of craft and costuming, and even the fantastic array of colors initially attracted me to the show, and every so often I come back to watch it again, noting how the forms and lines have changed over the years, but there is still a quintessential aesthetic style that emanates in all anime today.
If you haven’t seen this one, you’re missing out. It can feel dated and simple, in some ways, but is a great romp with true flare. That’s why I give it 4 of 5 stars, even after all these years.